This Blog has the purpose to show all our student friends from all other countries in the COMENIUS PROJECT, how NATURE in our region was THEN (in our grandparents’ times) and how it is NOW (in our times). We are going to try to understand HOW changes happened THEN and NOW.

Come on, the “SCientists in Action” from Castelo do Neiva School (Portugal), are waiting for your comments and ideas! What about trying to exchange ideas in English? That will be cool! Right? Let’s do it!

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  1. A baby otter was found in a road in Viana do Castelo

    A baby otter was found yesterday “drifting”, trying to go across a road in Viana do Castelo, and it has already been delivered to the River Minho Aqua-Museum, in Vila Nova de Cerveira, where it should be properly taken care of.
    The mammal was located near the river Lima and, at first, it was delivered to the care of the “Centro de Monitorização e Interpretação Ambiental” (CMIA) of Viana do Castelo, where it rapidly conquered the heart of all those who work there. Besides being spoiled, the otter was also given a snack, more precisely two sardines that were “quickly devoured”.
    “It is still very young, and very dependent on its mother, from whom it has probably got lost from. It was trying to go across a road, feeling lost and disorientated. It would be very risky to send it to the river again, because it would probably not be able to find its mother or food.”, said the CIMA director.
    According to Leonor Cruz, the otter is about 50 centimetres and “is very light”, weighing less than one kilogram. “As we do not have here the required means to take care of it, we contacted the River Minho Aqua-Museum, in Vila Nova de Cerveira, which has lots of experience with otters”, Leonor Cruz added. She also said that she “would really like” that otter to be named “Lima Princess”, name usually given to the town of Viana do Castelo
    The Aqua-Museum technicians, who collected the otter, admitted that she could have been brought up in “captivity” and, for some reason, ran away. “It is extremely sociable, and it looks like it has been kept in captivity, what is illegal but, as we all know, happens frequently”, said one of the technicians.
    On the Aqua-Museum there are already two other adult otters: a male called Einstein and a female called Eureka. They hope they can reproduce, what can probably happen in spring. Lima Princess will also probably hope this relationship becomes successful, so that it can have friends “more or less the same age” to play.
